Amazon has a plastic pollution problem. You have a say in changing that.
Every year, Amazon and the billions of packages it delivers around the world generate hundreds of millions of pounds of plastic waste. In 2021 alone, Amazon produced an estimated 709 million pounds of plastic packaging waste. The vast majority of this waste is plastic film, which is not accepted by most curbside recycling programs and can be deadly for marine life. Oceana estimates that up to 26 million pounds of Amazon’s plastic packaging waste from 2021 will end up in the world’s waterways and seas.
Last year, nearly 49% of Amazon’s shares voted in favor of a resolution to address its plastic problem – yet, the company refuses to outline a plan and commit to a reduction in plastic use in the U.S., in spite of the fact that they’ve phased out plastic packaging in other major markets. We need Amazon customers, employees, and shareholders to speak up and get the company to commit to address its plastic problem company-wide.
Help make change happen. Call on Amazon to reduce plastic packaging waste today – sign the pledge below and vote YES on Item 22 at the Amazon Annual Meeting on May 24, 2023.
AMZN shareholders: Vote YES on Item 22.
Item 22 is a shareholder proposal that, if passed, would call on Amazon to issue a report disclosing how much plastic packaging it uses, and a plan for how to reduce this.
Amazon’s estimated plastic packaging waste grew by 52.5% from 2019 to 2021.* The company, while making progress, has not committed to annually disclosing its plastic packaging footprint, nor to setting specific and quantifiable goals to reduce it. This can’t continue. Plastic pollution is overwhelming our seas and its creatures.
Please spread the word with other Amazon co-workers and shareholders.
Vote FOR Item 22 online at or telephone at 800-690-6903 with your control number.
Learn more about why Amazon needs to reduce its plastic packaging and how you can help.
Read Oceana’s 2022 report about Amazon’s growing plastic pollution problem and learn about the cost of its denial on the world’s oceans.